Class that parses the commandline arguments.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; namespace TestArgumentParser { public class ArgumentParser { public string QuoteChars { get; set; } public string ValueSeparatorChars { get; set; } public string PrefixChars { get; set; } public Dictionary Params = new Dictionary(); public string this[string key] { get{ return Params[key]; } } public ArgumentParser() { SetDefaultValues(); string argString = GetComandLineArguments(); Parse(argString); } public ArgumentParser(string args) { SetDefaultValues(); Parse(args); } private static string GetComandLineArguments() { string argString = Environment.CommandLine; argString = argString.Replace("\"" + Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName + "\"", ""); return argString; } public void Parse(string arguments) { string currentParam = string.Empty; string currentValue = string.Empty; bool readingParam = false; bool readingValue = false; bool startQuotes = false; foreach (char c in arguments) { if (IsPrefix(c)) { HandlePrefix(Params, ref currentParam, ref currentValue, ref readingParam); continue; } if (readingParam) { HandleParam(ref currentParam, ref readingParam, ref readingValue, c); continue; } if (readingValue) { HandleValue(ref currentValue, ref startQuotes, c); continue; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentParam)) { Params.Add(currentParam, currentValue); } } private void SetDefaultValues() { QuoteChars = "\"\'"; ValueSeparatorChars = ":= "; PrefixChars = "-/"; } private void HandlePrefix(Dictionary list, ref string currentParam, ref string currentValue, ref bool readingParam) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentParam)) { list.Add(currentParam, currentValue); } currentParam = string.Empty; currentValue = string.Empty; readingParam = true; } private void HandleValue(ref string currentValue, ref bool startQuotes, char c) { if (IsQuote(c)) { startQuotes = !startQuotes; return; } if (!startQuotes && char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { return; } currentValue += c; } private void HandleParam(ref string currentParam, ref bool readingParam, ref bool readingValue, char c) { bool isValueSeparator = IsValueSeparator(c); if (!isValueSeparator) { currentParam += c; } else { readingValue = true; readingParam = false; } } private bool IsQuote(char c) { return QuoteChars.IndexOf(c) > -1; } private bool IsValueSeparator(char c) { return ValueSeparatorChars.IndexOf(c) > -1; } private bool IsPrefix(char c) { return PrefixChars.IndexOf(c) > -1; } } }