Friday, November 18, 2011

Code coverage info from NUnit into Visual Studio

Use NCover or dotCover you might say. And you would be right.

But for the current project I was looking for a free solution. I started to google the web for a free alternative and found PartCover, OpenCover and this article.

PartCover and OpenCover does noe have any GUI or plugin in Visual Studio, so when I saw that it was possible to use the same window in VS as MSTest I was sold.

Run the following command in the visual studio prompt. (Add the correct paths and dlls for your system)

vsinstr -coverage MyLibrary.dll
start vsperfmon -coverage -output:mytestrun.coverage
nunit-console.exe /noshadow UnitTests.dll
vsperfcmd -shutdown
Whats happening here is that we are first adding instrumentation to the dll. Then we are starting the vsperfmon service to listen to whats beeing executed. Execute the test runner and shutdown the vsperfmon service.
Then open the mytestrun.coverage file in Visual Studio. Voila..

The Test coverage is displayed with the information.
I guess the only catch is that you need Team System Tools for this to work.
Off course you need to manually set this up. Hmm maybe I should write a Visual Studio plugin..


Friday, September 16, 2011

Seterlund.CodeGuard is now on NuGet

My small guard library is now available on NuGet.

The package name is Seterlund.CodeGuard and is available under the New BDS License.

The Guard.That(...) will throw an exception, when some condition is not met

public void SomeMethod(int arg1, int arg2)
    // This line will throw an exception when the arg1 is less or equal to arg2
    Guard.That(() => arg1).IsGreaterThan(arg2);

    // This will check that arg1 is not null and that is in some range 1..100

    // Several checks can be added.
      .IsTrue(x => x > 50, "Must be over 500");

    // Do stuff

The Validate.That(...) method makes it possible to return a list of all error conditions

public void OtherMethod(int arg1)
    // Get a list of errors
    List<string> errors = Validate.That(() => arg1).IsNotNull().GetResult();

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Howto create a simple IOC container

I'm using StructureMap in my current project and it works pretty well.
But how difficult could it be to make a simple IOC container. So I set out to create my own implementation and it proved to be quite easy to get the basics down.

How to setup the container.
var c = new Container();

In case you need more controll over the creation of the class creation, I have added the posiblitity to use lamdas.
c.For<IFoo>().Use(() => new Bar1("someArgument"));
c.For<IFoo>().Use(ctx => new Bar2(ctx.Get<ISomeinterface>()));

How to resolve
var foo = c.Get<IFoo>();

The road ahead could be to handle scope/lifecycle.

The complete code can be found on GitHub


Friday, May 20, 2011

Disable password policies in ADLDS (Adam)

Since AD LDS uses the password policies from the local system or the domain, there is no way to set a specific password policy for the AD LDS instance. But there is a way to disable the policy so you could handle the password policy in your own code.

The following command disables the policy
dsmgmt "Configurable Settings" Connections "connect to server localhost:389" q "Set ADAMDisablePasswordPolicies to 1" "Commit changes" q q

Note! My instance of AD LDS is running on "localhost:389". Change it to the server and port that you use.

This nice article explains it in more detail

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Guard your code

You can call it code contracts or an argument guard. This is a simple implementation that can validate that the current state of a variable or method is as you expect it to be. If the validation fails, an exception is thrown. Example code:
public void SomeMethod(int arg1, int arg2)
    // This line will throw an exception when the arg1 is less or equal to arg2
    Guard.Check(() => arg1).IsGreaterThan(arg2);

    // This will check that arg1 is not null and that is in some range 1..100

    // Do stuff
Source code can be found on GitHub